Feed of Facebook
Ad on Jornal de Barueri's Facebook Feed
For advertising actions in the Facebook feed, ensuring visibility among followers and increasing engagement with the brand.

The Feed is a constantly updating list of status updates, photos, videos and more right in the middle of your Facebook home page. The Feed includes updates and posts from friends, Pages, groups, and advertisers.
Use the image, video, carousel, or collection format in Facebook Feed to showcase your products, services, or brand. Choose an interesting format to encourage people to learn more about your product or to showcase your brand's personality.
- Image: Square or horizontal in Facebook Feed
- Video: Square or vertical in Facebook Feed
- Carousel: Set of up to ten images or videos in Facebook Feed
- Collection: Cover image or video followed by three product images in Facebook Feed
- Image: Maximum 30MB
- Video: Maximum 4GB
- Carousel: Image: Maximum 30 MB; Video: Maximum 4GB per video
- Collection: Image: Maximum 30 MB; Video: Maximum 4 GB
- Image: jpg; png
- Video: mp4; move; gif
- Carousel: jpg; png for images, mp4; move; gif for videos
- Collection: jpg; png for images, mp4; move; gif for videos
Main Channels:
Jornal de Barueri Facebook feed
Among the organic posts in the Facebook Feed
- Image: Until the user swipes through the feed
- Video: One second to 241 minutes
- Carousel: One second to 240 minutes per video
- Collection: One second to 240 minutes per video
Increase brand visibility, promote products or services and generate engagement through immersive and creative formats.
Design Recommendations:
- Image file type: JPG or PNG
- Video file type: MP4, MOV or GIF
- Aspect Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1 for image; 1:1 or 4:5 for video; 1:1 for carousel and collection
- Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128 kbps or higher
- Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Video subtitles: Optional, but recommended
- Video audio: Optional, but recommended
Text Recommendations:
- Main text: 80 characters for image; 125 characters for video and collection
- Title: 27 characters for image and video; 45 characters for carousel; 40 characters for collection
- Description: 27 characters for video; 18 characters for carousel
- Maximum number of hashtags: 30
- Landing page URL: Mandatory for carousel and collection
Technical requirements:
- Image:
- Maximum file size: 30 MB
- Minimum width: 600 pixels
- Minimum height: 600 pixels
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%
- Video:
- Video length: One second to 241 minutes
- Maximum file size: 4GB
- Minimum width: 120 pixels
- Minimum height: 120 pixels
- Carousel:
- Number of carousel cards: Two to ten
- Maximum image file size: 30 MB
- Maximum video file size: 4GB per video
- Video length: One second to 240 minutes
- Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%
- Collection:
- Instant Experience: Required
- Maximum image file size: 30 MB
- Maximum video file size: 4 GB
Image, video, carousel, and collection ads in Facebook Feed must follow specified design and technical guidelines to ensure the best performance and visibility. The file must be sent in jpg, png, mp4, mov or gif format and respect the size limit. Content can also be sent via Google Docs link for review and publication.
You should not promote sensitive content, such as tobacco, alcohol, or content that violates Facebook policies. You should avoid excessive promotional language and focus on useful and relevant information for viewers.
Shipping Deadline:
Materials must be sent at least 5 business days in advance for validation and inclusion in the Facebook Feed campaign.
Performance Reports:
Available on request, offering insights into views, clicks, engagement and ad impact in the feed.