
Privacy Policy

We give you the power to share as part of our mission to make the world more open and connected. This policy describes what information we collect and how we use and share it. You can find additional tools and information in the Privacy Basics section.

When reviewing our policy, please remember that it applies to all Portal brands, products and services that do not have separate privacy policies or that are linked to this policy, which we call “Portal Services” or “Services ”.

What types of information do we collect?

Depending on the Services you use, we collect different types of information about you.

  • What you do and the information you provide.
    We collect the content and other information you transmit when you use our Services, including when you register for an account, create or share content, send messages or communicate with others. This may include information in or about the content, such as the location of a photo or the date a file was created. We also collect information about how you use our Services, for example, the types of content you view or engage with and the frequency or duration of your activities.
  • What others do and the information they provide.
    We also collect content and information transmitted by others when using our Services, including information about you, for example, when they share photos of you, send you messages, or upload, sync, or import your contact information.
  • Your networks and connections.
    We collect information about the people and groups you connect with and how you interact with them, for example, the people you communicate with most or the groups you like to share information with. We also collect information you provide when you upload, sync, or import this information (such as a contact book) from a device.
  • Payment information.
    If you use our Services for purchases or financial transactions (for example, to purchase something on the Portal, in a game, or to make a donation), we will collect information about the purchase or transaction. This covers your payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, account and authentication information, and billing, shipping, and contact information.
  • Device information.
    We collect information from or about computers, phones and other devices on which you install or access our Services, depending on the permissions you grant. We may associate information collected from your different devices, which helps us provide consistent Services across devices. Here are some examples of the information we collect about devices:
    – Attributes such as operating system, hardware version, device settings, file and software names and types, battery and signal strength, and device identifiers.
    – Device locations, including specific geographic locations, via GPS, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi signal.
    – Connection information such as the name of your mobile carrier or ISP (Internet Service Provider), browser type, language, time zone, mobile number and IP address.
  • Information from websites and applications that use our Services.
    We collect information when you access or use third-party websites and applications that utilize our Services (for example, offer our Like Button, Portal Login, or use our measurement and advertising services). This includes information about websites and apps that you visit, your use of our Services on these websites and apps, as well as information that the developers or publishers of the app or website provide to you or us.
  • Information from external partners.
    We receive information from external partners about you and your activities on and off the Portal, for example, information from a partner when we jointly offer services or from an advertiser about your experiences and interactions with them.
  • Portal Companies.
    We receive information about you from companies that belong to or operate the Portal, in accordance with their terms and policies. Learn more about these companies and their privacy policies.
How do we use this information?

We love creating engaging, personalized experiences for people. We use any information we have to help us provide and support our Services. Know how:

  • Provide, improve and develop Services.
    We may offer our Services, personalized content, and make suggestions using this information to understand how you use and interact with our Services, the people or things you are connected to and are interested in, on and off our Services. We also use the information we have to provide shortcuts and suggestions for you. For example, we may suggest that a friend tag you in a photo by examining and comparing photos of your friend with information we have gathered from your profile photos and other photos in which you have been tagged. If this feature is available, you can control whether we suggest that another user tag you in a photo by using the “Timeline and tagging” settings. When we have location information, we use it to personalize our Services for you and others , for example, helping you check in and find local events or deals in your area, or telling your friends you're nearby. We conduct research, test features in development, and analyze the information we have to evaluate and improve products and services, develop new products or features, and conduct auditing and troubleshooting activities.
  • Communicate with you.
    We use your information to send you marketing communications, contact you about our Services, and inform you about policies and terms. We also use the information to respond to you when you contact us.
  • Display and measure ads and services.
    We use the information we have to improve our advertising and measurement systems; so we can show you relevant ads on and off our Services and measure the effectiveness and reach of ads and services. Learn more about advertising on our Services and how to control the way your information is used to personalize the ads you see.
  • Provide security.
    We use the information we have to help verify accounts and activity, and to provide security on and off our Services by investigating suspicious activity or violations of our terms or policies. We work hard to protect your account using teams of engineers, automated systems, and advanced technologies like encryption and machine learning. We also offer easy-to-use security tools that add an extra layer of security to your account. For more information about promoting security on the Portal, visit the Portal Security Help Center.

We use cookies and similar technologies to provide and support our Services, as well as all uses described in this section of our policy. Read our Cookies Policy to know more.

How is this information shared?

Sharing on our Services
People use our Services to connect, share and absorb content with each other. We make this possible by sharing your information in the following ways:

  • People you share and communicate with.
    When you share and communicate using our Services, you choose the audience who can see what you share. For example, when you post to the Portal, you can select the audience that will see the post, for example, a custom group of people, all your friends, or members of a Group. Likewise, when you use Messenger, you also choose who you send photos or messages to. Public information is information you share with the general public, such as information in your Public Profile, or content you share on a Portal Page or other public forum. Public information is available to anyone on or off our Services and can be viewed or accessed through search engines, APIs, and offline media like TV. In some cases, people you share and communicate with may download or re-share content with others on and off our Services. When you comment on someone else's post or like their content on the Portal, that person decides the audience that can see or like your comment. If your comment is set to general public, your comment will also be public.
  • People who view content that other people share about you.
    Others may use our Services to share content about you with their chosen audience. For example, someone might share a photo of you, mention or tag you in a location in a post, or share information about you that you told them. If you're worried about someone posting, social reporting is a way for people to quickly and easily ask someone they trust for help.
  • Third-party applications, websites and integrations that use or integrate with our Services.
    When you use third-party applications, websites, or other services that utilize or are integrated with our Services, they may receive information about your posts or shares. For example, when you play with your Portal friends or use the Like or Share buttons on a website, the game developer or website may collect information about your in-game activities, or receive the comment or website link shared by you. on the portal. Additionally, when you download or use third-party services, they may access your Public Profile, which includes your name or user ID number, age group and country/language, friends list, as well as the information you share with them . Information collected by these applications, websites or integrated services is subject to their own terms and policies.
  • New owner.
    If ownership or control of all or a portion of our Services or its assets changes, we may transfer your information to the new owner.

Sharing with third-party partners and customers

We work with third-party companies that help us provide and improve our Services or with companies that use advertising and related products, which makes it possible for us to operate our companies and provide free services to people around the world.

See the types of third parties with which we may share information about you:

  • Advertising, measurement and analytics services (non-personally identifiable information only).
    We want our ads to be as relevant and interesting as the other information found on our Services. With this in mind, we use all the information we have about you to display relevant advertisements. We do not share information that personally identifies you (personally identifiable information is information like your name or email address that can be used to contact or identify you) with advertising, measurement and analytics partners unless you give us permission. We may provide these partners with information about the reach and effectiveness of their ads without providing information that personally identifies you or aggregate the information so that we cannot identify you. For example, we may tell the advertiser how their ads are performing, how many people viewed their ads or installed an app after seeing an ad, or provide non-personally identifiable demographic information (e.g., 25-year-old woman in Madrid who likes software engineering) to help these partners understand their audience or customers; however, we only do this after the advertiser agrees to be bound by our advertiser guidelines. Review your advertising preferences to understand why you are seeing a particular ad on the Portal. You can adjust your advertising preferences if you want to control and manage your advertising experience on the Portal.
  • Suppliers, service providers and other partners.
    We transfer information to vendors, service providers and other partners who support our business worldwide by providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing how our Services are used, measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and services, providing customer service, facilitating payments and conducting academic research . These partners must adhere to obligations of absolute confidentiality, consistent with this Data Policy and the contracts we have entered into with them.
How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?

We may access, retain and share your information in response to a legal request (such as a search warrant, court order or subpoena) if we believe in good faith that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside Brazil when we believe in good faith that the response is required by law in the jurisdiction in question, concerns users in the jurisdiction in question, and complies with internationally recognized standards.

We may also access, retain and share information when we believe in good faith that doing so is necessary to: detect, prevent and address fraud and other illegal activities; to protect us, you and others, including as part of investigations; or prevent imminent death or bodily harm. For example, we may transmit information to third-party partners about the reliability of your account to prevent fraud and abuse on and off our Services.

The information we receive about you, including financial transaction data related to purchases made on the Portal, may be processed and retained for an extended period of time when subject to legal requests or obligations, government investigations or investigations regarding possible violations of our terms and conditions. policies, or as a way to prevent them. We may also retain information from accounts disabled for violating our terms for at least 1 year to prevent further abuse or violations of our terms.

How will we notify you about changes to this policy?

We will notify you before making any changes to this policy and give you the opportunity to review and comment on the revised policy before you continue to use our Services.

How to get in touch if you have any questions

To learn more about how privacy works on the Portal, check out privacy basics.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us.

Cookies, pixels and similar technologies

Technologies such as cookies, pixel tags (“pixels”), device or other identifiers, and local storage (collectively, “Cookies and Similar Technologies”) are used to transmit, protect, and understand products, services, and advertisements, on and off the Services. Portal.

We offer a variety of products and features that involve using these technologies to reach you based on your activities on and off our Services. As described in more detail below, we also use these technologies in other ways, such as for security purposes, to distribute and enable products and services, and to understand and measure products, services and advertisements. Third parties with whom you interact when using the Portal Services may also use these technologies for various purposes.

Your browser or device may offer settings related to these technologies. For more information about the availability of these tools, what they do, and how they work, visit the help material on your browser or device. We may not recognize or respond to device signals about tracking, and some settings may interfere with your use of features we offer. Additionally, settings offered by a browser or device often only apply to that particular browser or device.

What are some of these technologies?

Cookies are small files stored on your browser or device by the website or application you are using or an advertisement you are viewing. Pixel tags (also known as clear GIFs, Web beacons or pixels) are small blocks of code on a web page that allow it to perform actions such as reading and storing cookies and transmitting information to our partners. The resulting connection may include information such as a device's IP address, the time a person viewed the pixel, an identifier associated with the browser or device, and the type of browser in use. Local storage is an industry-standard technology that allows a website or application to store and retrieve data from a person's computer, cell phone, or other device. Some examples include HTML5 devices or local storage and caching.

Why do we use cookies and similar technologies?

We use these technologies for a variety of reasons, such as allowing us to show you content that is more relevant to you; improve our products and services; and help keep our services secure. While the specific names of Cookies and similar technologies used may vary as we improve and update our services, they generally fall into the following usage categories:

  • Authentication
    These technologies indicate whether you are logged in so we can provide you with the appropriate experience and resources.
    For example, Cookies and similar technologies let us know when you are logged into the Portal. We also use this information to understand how people use our Platform and other applications and services.
  • Website security and integrity
    These technologies help maintain the security of Portal services. They support or enable security features and help us detect activities that violate our statement of rights and responsibilities.
    For example, they help us protect your account from being accessed by anyone other than you. Cookies also tell us when multiple people connect using the same computer. With login approvals, if someone logs into your account from a browser you've never used before, we'll block them and ask for more information. They help us implement login notifications so that you are alerted when your account is accessed and disable any device with active sessions on the Portal.
    In addition to helping prevent unauthorized people from logging into your account, we also use Cookies and similar technologies to ensure that people or computers accessing our Services do not violate our policies. For example, certain information on the Portal is public and, therefore, can be accessed by anyone on the internet. These Cookies and similar technologies help us understand the volume and frequency of requests so that we can detect and prevent people or computers from “harvesting” information from our website.
    We also use these tools to make the Portal easier to use, such as when you type the wrong letter in your password or username. If you have previously logged into the Portal using the same browser, we will offer easier options to correct your typo since we know you have logged into the Portal previously.
  • Ads, insights and measurement
    Cookies and similar technologies (such as information about your device or a pixel on a website) are used to understand and serve ads, make them more relevant to you, and analyze products and services and your use of them.
    For example, we use cookies, so we, our affiliates and our partners may serve ads that interest you on Portal services or other websites and mobile applications. We may also use a cookie to find out whether someone to whom an advertisement has been served on the Portal services makes a purchase on the website. Similarly, our partners may use cookies or other similar technologies to determine whether we have served an ad and how it performed, or to tell us how you interact with it. We may also work with an advertiser or its marketing partners to display an ad on or off the Portal services, such as after your visit to the advertiser's application or website, or to show an ad based on the websites you visit or the applications you use – across the mobile and internet ecosystem.
    We may also use Cookies to provide advertisers with information about the people who see and interact with their ads, visit their websites and use their applications.
  • Location
    These technologies help us deliver local experiences.
    For example, we may store information in a cookie placed on your browser or device so that you view the website in your preferred language.
  • Website features and services
    They offer features that help us provide products and services.
    For example, Cookies or similar technologies help you sign in by pre-populating the username field and help improve the chat experience by showing which of your friends are logged in. We may also use Cookies and similar technologies to help store preferences, know when you have viewed or interacted with content on the Portal Services, and provide you and other social plug-ins and other personalized experiences and content, such as making suggestions.
  • Performance
    We use resources to provide you with the best experience possible.
    For example, we may use Cookies or similar technologies to help us route traffic between servers and understand how quickly the Portal loads for different people. From time to time, we may store information on your browser or device so that the resources in use load and respond quickly.
  • Analytics and research
    This information is used to understand, improve and research products and services, including when you access the Portal or other websites and applications from your computer or mobile device.
    For example, we may use Cookies or similar technologies (including information from your device) to understand how you are using social plugins and improve them. We share information about this analysis with our partners.


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