
Commercial Practices of Jornal de Barueri

1. Purchasing advertising space
1.1. The price table
All of Jornal de Barueri's advertising formats, with their technical characteristics and prices, are available in the Price Table, which can be consulted on the website The prices charged will be those in force on the date of contracting the advertisement.

1.2. The insertion order
The purchase of advertising space is regulated by a specific document, the Insertion Order, signed between Jornal de Barueri and the advertising agency or advertiser. The Insertion Order must contain all data relating to the purchase made, such as, for example, the formats to be used, the period of placement, the number of impressions, the locations on the portal where the placement will take place, etc. The document must also contain the information necessary for billing, such as the advertiser's or agency's corporate name, address and CNPJ, depending on the case. If the parties decide to enter into a contract instead of an Insertion Order, the conditions described in this manual will remain.

1.3. Uncancelable purchase
Consultations, requests, proposals, pre-reservations and other actions that precede receipt of the Insertion Order do not guarantee space or commercial conditions, which are only formalized with the Insertion Order itself. In order to correctly plan the occupation of advertising spaces and guarantee the advertiser the display of their advertisements, every purchase formalized by Insertion Order is non-cancellable. In case of long-term contracting (over three months), the Insertion Order itself must include its cancellation conditions and expected penalties (if any).

1.4. Client register
All Jornal de Barueri clients need to be pre-approved before broadcasting. Approval of the advertisement and customer registration is based on technical criteria, and can be revoked at any time.

1.5. The payment
Payment for all placements must be made within 15 days after the month of placement. Delay in paying the amounts due will result in monetary correction (ICPM-FGV), interest of 1% a/m and a fine of 2%.

2. Running the campaign
2.1. Deadlines
Delivery of the Insertion Order and advertising pieces must comply with Jornal de Barueri deadlines, which are as follows:

  • Pieces in gif, jpg or png: 24 hours in advance, except for broadcast on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, when the maximum deadline is 6 pm on the previous Thursday.
  • Pieces in other formats: 48 hours in advance, except for broadcast on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, when the maximum deadline is 6 pm on the previous Wednesday.

The deadline mentioned above refers to pieces that comply with the technical characteristics of Jornal de Barueri (read below). Advertisements outside of specifications will not be accepted. Jornal de Barueri does not guarantee the broadcast of campaigns after the deadline, and if the broadcast is partial or does not occur due to the delivery of material after the deadline, no compensation will be payable to the advertiser.

2.2. Technical characteristics
When a user of Jornal de Barueri consults a certain page, their computer loads both editorial and commercial elements. Therefore, an ad with technical problems can harm the user experience and generate a negative reaction for the portal and the advertiser. Due to this, Jornal de Barueri specified technical characteristics for the advertisements published on the portal that aim to ensure the best browsing experience for its users. The technical conditions of the advertisements – size, weight, duration, etc. – can be checked at the address that do not comply with the technical characteristics of Jornal de Barueri will not be accepted. If the advertiser does not deliver the piece in accordance with the technical characteristics of Jornal de Barueri in time for insertion and, as a result, the publication is partial or does not occur, no compensation will be payable to the advertiser.

2.3. Delivery failures
If broadcast failures occur for any reason under the responsibility of Jornal de Barueri, the advertiser may request the insertion of the missing program at any available time/place/format, as long as it is for the same value, within a period of up to 15 days.

2.4. Ads from competing companies
With the aim of serving the largest possible portion of Internet users with diverse interests, Jornal de Barueri does not restrict advertisements from companies competing with each other, which may appear side by side on a given page or station on the portal. If the advertiser wishes to block advertisements from competing companies, he or she must contact the advertising department and request a commercial proposal in this regard. Projects related to sponsorship of sporting or cultural events and other special actions may provide for restrictions on competitors, as long as this is explained in the project.

2.5. Use of Jornal de Barueri brands
The use of any Jornal de Barueri brand, as well as the name and image of journalists and collaborators, must be approved in writing by Jornal de Barueri, and by the aforementioned professional, if applicable. Otherwise, use will not be permitted.

3. Respect for the user
3.1. Editorial independence
The editorial and advertising areas of Jornal de Barueri are independent and without a subordination relationship. Editorial work is not subordinated to the interests, presumed or manifest, of advertisers.

3.2. Explanation of advertising placement
Advertisements that simulate material from Jornal de Barueri itself, news from Jornal de Barueri or editorial material from Jornal de Barueri partners and that thereby allow confusion between news and editorial product with advertising report and advertisement will be rejected by Jornal de Barueri. The use of typology, colors and layout of content pages from Jornal de Barueri itself are considered means of creating this confusion. Jornal de Barueri reserves the right to designate and mark with the heading “advertising” as long as, in its opinion, the information becomes necessary to establish the differentiation between editorial material and advertising. The resource, however, does not allow ads to simulate editorial material. Ads must also not simulate navigation features or procedures such as dialog windows, error messages, email program messages and others, in a way that confuses the user.

3.3. Fact simulation
Advertisements that use real facts to simulate other facts, use news or real information to create fantasies that can be interpreted as real facts are not accepted by Jornal de Barueri.

3.4. Invasive ads
Ads published in Jornal de Barueri must not be invasive, otherwise they may generate rejection of the portal and the advertiser's message. Some of the practices defined in this sense are:

  1. a) the audio of advertisements can only start with the user's effective action, and must be able to be interrupted as soon as the user wishes;
  2. b) advertisements that float over the page must not cover the main headline, menus and other main navigation elements, and must close automatically;
  3. c) ads that float on the page must have a clearly visible and static “close” button, in order to facilitate closing, if the user so desires;
  4. d) animations cannot be frantic to the point of causing irritation and making reading difficult;
  5. e) the customization of advertisements and sponsored links must not invade the user’s privacy;
  6. f) Jornal de Barueri does not accept pop-up advertisements.

All features of Jornal de Barueri advertisements can be found on the website

3.5. Security and privacy
Advertisements must comply with the security and privacy standards of Jornal de Barueri, which can be consulted at, as well as the rules for using Jornal de Barueri, which are available at the address All advertiser campaign data is confidential and protected by Jornal de Barueri.

4. Self-regulation
4.1. Legislation and self-regulation
Jornal de Barueri follows the rules of the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code, the preparation and application of which is the responsibility of the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar). Jornal de Barueri also follows, whenever applicable, the Standard Norms for Advertising Activity, as defined by the Executive Council for Standard Norms (CENP). Some types of products that are prohibited or restricted are:

  • alcoholic beverages – including beers, wines, coolers and others;
  • cigarette;
  • firearms;
  • medicines, whether over-the-counter or not;
  • lotteries and games of chance;
  • political ads.

If you have any questions about publication restrictions, please consult the Jornal de Barueri Advertising department via email at [email protected].

4.2. Advertiser's responsibility
The advertiser is exclusively responsible, civilly and criminally, for the advertisement data and the consequences of its dissemination, vis-à-vis third parties and in compliance with current legislation and the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code, with Jornal de Barueri not being held responsible for anything.

4.3. Agency remuneration
Jornal de Barueri remunerates advertising agencies in accordance with the directives of the Executive Council for Standard Norms (CENP).

4.4. Advertising report and expression of opinion
Advertisements in Advertising Report format or those that simply express an opinion, without selling a product or service, must be accompanied by a Term of Responsibility from the person responsible for publishing the advertisement. If the advertiser and the person(s) signing the term are different, everyone must issue the liability term. A model of this document can be provided by the Advertising department of Jornal de Barueri.

5. General recommendations
Jornal de Barueri reserves the right not to publish advertisements that are in disagreement with the country's legislation, with the determinations of the Brazilian Advertising Self-Regulation Code or that are outside its norms and quality standards. If you have any questions, please consult the Jornal de Barueri Advertising department via email at [email protected] or via WhatsApp +55 11 94346-9642.

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